วันเสาร์ที่ 30 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2551

How To Find The Best Ways To Improve Your Credit Today Starting From Scratch

The fact that you're reading this article today tells me that you may be searching for the best ways to improve your credit, and when you don't know where to turn, this is a good place to begin!

I'm not sure if you have already read a dozen or more articles on how to improve your credit, repair your credit score, or even several articles out there that almost feels like they're rubbing your debts in your face. Well you don't have to worry about that happening here, because I'm not going to tell you what you might be doing wrong, you already know that part. Who knows, maybe you're reading this because you're in prevention mode, and you want to maintain a good credit rating rather than save it.

The truth of the matter is I do not know where your financial situation stands, but I do know one thing, when it comes to finding good information, it's like pulling your teeth with tweezers! Having quality, straight-up, and understandable information is sometimes hard to find, so this is why I'm stepping up to provide this for you!

Some questions you may want to ask yourself. First, are you too deep in debt to get out of it with your own personal equity, or is it a small debt that you can manage with a well-designed budget and some counseling assistance? The second question would be, what type of financial information is required in order to help you improve your personal or business debt circumstances?

If you're getting frustrated to the point where you just don't know where to start, then sit back and let me bring some things to light for you. I want to let you know that I'm not a financial expert, I don't have any debt service background, however, I do have true-life experiences with debt, and if anyone out there tells you they never had credit trouble at one point in their lives, they should consider themselves very fortunate.

Some Personal Tips On How You Can Avoid Getting Into Debt Trouble!

Tip #1: My first tip is going to hit home for some of you, and you're more than likely going to be in denial if you're not already there, and disagree with me, so here goes. You have to let go of your PRIDE! This is the biggest hurdle to overcome, and many individuals get embarrassed when they find out that they can't make a loan payment, or they're not capable of meeting the credit card monthly minimums. You start feeling like a failure, and the last thing you want to do is let the world know you're not competent enough to pay your bills on time.

News Flash! You have to realize you're not the only one that has ever been in debt before; look at yourself and understand that you're only human and the most important thing in your life is to be healthy, happy, and stress free. Doesn't that offer more value to you than running around with your debt secrets, feeling horrible? If you were to talk to many self-made millionaires on this planet today, I bet a good number of them would tell you they experienced financial troubles at one point in their life, some may have even declared bankruptcy, and they did what was necessary to repair their financial situations to get back on their feet again!

Once you open up to people and start asking for help, you have to take the criticism that comes with the territory, but your efforts will get all the answers you may have been searching for, and you will be able to lift that weight off your shoulders that you have been carrying with you since the day your debt problems started to affect your life.

Tip #2: It may be obvious to you that you're taking some necessary steps, but now you have to talk to everyone you happen to be financially in trouble with. Unfortunately many individuals think that if they hide, not answer their phone, or leave town, they're going to solve all their debt issues in that manner.

The best advice that I can give you in that situation is that you can run, but you can't hide! The banks and creditors will eventually find you, and when they do, they will perceive your character much differently than if you were willing to confess your troubles and seek assistance right up-front.

I always like to turn the tables on situations like this, and imagine yourself as the lender, and you gave your best friend or family member in good faith a personal loan. Later you find out the person that borrowed your money lost his/her job and never contacted you to say that they would not be able to pay you back.

You would be a little concerned, and more than likely you would get upset, because they have betrayed your relationship and trust, right? It works the same way with a bank, or credit lending institution, because if they thought you weren't going to repay them from the start, they wouldn't have given you the loan or credit card in the first place!

You will be extremely surprised how willing the banks and credit card companies will be to help you, and not because they think you're a really swell person, but the fact that they have a vested interest in you, and they want to maintain an honest business relationship with you. Sounds a bit corny, but it's the truth!

So You're Asking How Do You Improve Your Credit Now That It's In Trouble?

I'm not going to lie to you and say this is going to be an easy path to go down. Like I mentioned earlier in this article, I don't know how deep you are in debt, and so my advice will only help you if the situation you're already experiencing is still within your control.

Whether you decide to hit the local yellow pages or go online and find the necessary resources, the first thing you need to do is find as many free services as possible, because you may already be financially tapped out. There are numerous free credit repair and debt counselor services available in your area and/or on the Internet, so you must make a list and contact as many of them to see who is willing to help you for free.

Once you have talked to many of the counselors and agencies, you need to then contact your credit bureaus such as Equifax, and a few others to get your credit report to see what type of score you have. By you doing this in advance, it will give you the necessary ammunition when you set up your appointments with the credit counselors to discuss your current status.

At some point you will have to contact all the creditors you have issues with, but it is highly recommended to talk to the professionals and have them give you the steps that need to be taken. In the end, you may only have to obtain a consolidation loan that will lower your monthly payments, or the next scenario: you might need a Debt Management company to assist you in a debt settlement, and the worst-case scenario (and hopefully you won't have to go this route), but bankruptcy may be your final and only option.

About the author: William is the Author and owner of "Free Credit Repair Information" available at http://www.free-credit-repair-information.com Your source for Free Credit Repair Information! We offer free information to help you find the right debt assistance for your financial needs. Also view our informative articles and our personal review page listing select online debt and credit service companies offering debt consolidation and online bad credit loans for quick and easy comparisons.

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